Same as Cotton-Candy Pimp.
Chris Pretti
There goes the Cotton Candy Pimp!
by Zeke March 11, 2004
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It is a term used to describe a particularly attractive looking person (usually, male) whom you find "fetching" or would like to pursue a romantic relationship with. In other words, a romantic interest who is the equivalent of "oh my God! What is that magnificent creature". The use of the term is relative to its user.
1. Yo homeboy you been feeling that little shit in yo tummy when you been lookin' at that fluff piece of cotton candy?
2. Dayum! Did you see that fluff piece of cotton candy?
by DuchessofBored December 29, 2014
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Joe how's that cotton candy flavored lung cancer?
Man this pod is so fucking good man, want a hit?
nah lung cancer ain't for me bro
by BeatMeatRepeat December 13, 2021
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cotton cum-candy is the dick-flavored spun cumgasms of a group of hotties.
The guys made cotton cum-candy with the cumgasms of nearly the whole squadron of cadets!
by USAF Cadet January 29, 2021
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