to be a bum,loser,wack person, not cool,not original,crybaby,someone who has no frieds
yo i just found a used condom" "man you mad Canadian!
by thorykuleelsum February 4, 2011
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A Canadian is basically someone with a weird English accent, a flapping mouth and PacMan head, and loads of farts and queefs up their butts.
by JeffyFanatic5000 January 18, 2022
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A person that says 'A' after every sentence they say, lives off maple syrup and booze and looks like a moose be for they put their make up on. Has drive by snow ball fights and get cheep meds.
'Look at that Canadian over there drinking his syrup'
'We should go get some Maple ahe'
by M.E.X. May 2, 2010
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I saw some wild Canadians in Montana last year...they’re rare down in the US!
by Illmathematical October 22, 2020
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Person: Is that guy from Canada?
Other person: yes he clearly speaks Canadian

Canada person: Canada Eh.
by Donald Trump 2.0 August 8, 2018
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Street slang for an undercover police woman posing as a prostitute.
Ron: Keep driving man!
Chris: Why, is she a dude?
Ron: Naw, man, that's a canadian
by HoneyBeeChitlins February 5, 2010
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Canadian- A group of people who cannot refrain themselves from using the word “eh” after every word. Side effects from hearing Canadians include getting wasted, constant vomiting, Excessive drug use, loss of consciousness, depression, and or thoughts of suicide. Do not go to Canada if you have any of these pre-existing side effects. Results of entering Canada with pre-existing side effects include High blood pressure, lost body parts, sudden urge to play hockey, to spell words wrong, and in some cases death. Take all measures to avoid Canadians if you have already experienced confrontation with them. See your local doctor for further questions
Patient: Doctor am I going to be alright?

Doctor: I am afraid you have been to exposed one too many times to Canadians. I am sorry to inform you that you will only live 24 more hours.
by WEAREMERICA July 4, 2012
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