The process by which one absorbs any comment with butthurting intent. Upon absorption one charges their butthurtness over a period of time(hours, days, even weeks). This butthurtness is then released like a deadly epidemic causing butthurtness on an international scale.
Fuck you Sarah(Sarah Absorbs comment). Sarah spend two days loked up tormented by the comment. Sarah then goes on an evil fuck you spree causing butthurtness and global chaos.
by Anonymous February 1, 2003
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when your emotionally depressed . cant think about anything or anyone besides the peron who got you all pissed and loserish
why do you have to get all butthurt because i didnt remember youor birthday, god you niglet.
by shelly July 23, 2004
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When an SvA newbie takes a thread concerning power rangers and neon SRT-4's literally, and proceeds to get angry.
*Bonus because of the butthurt nEWBie!
by The sh4rk January 28, 2005
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To whine, bitch, or complain like a woman.
When I told my girlfriend I'd rather play video games than go out to dinner, she got all butthurt.
by CRX August 18, 2005
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When an inconsiderate asshole causes you pain or grief that starts at your heart and drops to your ass; upset; hurt; let down; mad; etc.
Santino was all butthurt because I didn't make him feel special.
by T-Bone October 3, 2003
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James Wilson.
Gamertag: MidnightVirgin
Golly gee Wilkers that James Wilson sure is butthurt.
by Midnightvirgin August 11, 2012
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An excessive or unjustifiable feeling of personal offence or resentment
-Jeeze, whats up with Keith today?

-Oh he's just butthurt, Eric is out so we've been picking on him instead....

-Butthurt boy wouldn't even roll down his windows to talk to me....
by njhater August 27, 2015
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