The fat that hangs out and forms a giant camel toe starting at the belly button and hanging as low as it can go. Also known as a FUPA (fat, upper, pussy area). Basically this is an extra ass located on the front side of rather large woman.
DAMN!! That bitch has got some Montana front butt that you could fall into and die.
by Benn'official April 18, 2017
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when a woman has a "front butt" aka fupa which is the fatty vagina/stomach and it looks like she has a butt on the front of her, and someone cunt punts her (a strong swift kick to the cunt). the cunt punt of the front butt if done properly will cause a wave of fat rolls up her stomach. It really is quite a sight to behold.
actual convo: Cunt punt her front butt But u gotta hit the vag part of the vagumic or it’s not a cunt punt in the front butt. if she has a fupa whch is the stomach that hangs down aka Dunlap’s disease (her belly dunlapped over her belt) someone needs the assist by lifting said fupa to cunt punt the front butt
by Twat waffle 1981 March 13, 2018
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I almost got raped by a grisly trench digger last night so I gave her the old Hoof Her in the Front Butt and skee-daddled out if there.
by Moses Magoo April 17, 2015
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On a woman, typically an older woman who has had children, the extended out area near her uterus; but below her stomach. The appearance is similar to a butt that is located in the front.
Frank walked into Eddie's room with a pale ghost-like look on his face.

"What is wrong?" Eddie asked.
"Your mom, she was just getting out of the shower when I walked in on her accidentally. I saw her hairy front butt with no clothes covering it." Frank replied while making retching sounds.
by Nutzen YerMouf May 18, 2018
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White Pee Front Butt comes from a term used by a child to describe incestual molestation.
"Mommy, mommy. Uncle Jerry white pee'd in my front butt"
"lets get together and try a little bit of the white pee front butt?"
by Craig McRae July 7, 2006
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another name for a booty call. but with the front sections.
Friend 1: He's telling me to call him!

Friend 2: HAH, it must be a front butt call.
by JellyBee June 17, 2009
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This is a reference to ejaculation "White Pee" and the vagina "Front Butt". This was first introduced by a comedian out of San Diego named Allison Gill.
by AnexusSystems September 9, 2014
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