The act of taking a remote of some sort, and putting it up someone's butt
Would you like to bungle the booce with me?
by AllHailLucifer April 16, 2015
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The term bungle smack is simply another word for calling something stupid or calling someone a faggot.
by Jackson Luther July 15, 2017
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A sexual act involving two people where one participant (preferably male) inserts his testicles into the other partner's butthole. It is known that much vaseline is required and protection is recommended.
Guy 1: Bro my nuts hurt like a bitch.
Guy 2: What's wrong bro?

Guy 1: Last night my girlfriend and I totally bean-bungled each other

Guy2: What?
by Watidude August 25, 2019
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An experimental band from California, often recognized for their dispute with the band RHCP who to be quite frank Mr. Bungle can run circles around. Mr. Bungle consisting of singer Mike Patton, bassist Trevor Dunn, guitarist Trey Spruance, drummer Danny Heifetz and keyboards/saxophonist Clinton "Bär" McKinnon as well as many other musicians over the years were a pioneer of experimental music taking into their repetoire many genres including heavy metal funk, free jazz, surf rock, punk, klezmer music, ska, kecak, avant-jazz, folk music, noise rock,pop, doo-wop, funk metal, electronica, swing music, space age pop and exotica, death metal, rockabilly, bossa nova, progressive rock, country and western, Circus Music and even video game and cartoon music and often utilizing genre skipping within their songs meaning a song could go one direction and literally within a bar of music change in the other. The band of course covered more genres and were obviously more talented than RHCP who cover pop, rock and funk is debatable and to say RHCP are better than Mr Bungle is pure ignorance as it is seen how many genres they can play and how vast their sound goes as compared to RHCP whose sound is the same for the last 25 years.

Mr. Bungle was also the name of a kid used in public information tapes from the 1950s from which the band derive their name.
Mr Bungle kick ass.
by RHCPareshit March 16, 2009
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A term for the Bengals' teams of the 1990s who had many consecutive losing and non-playoff seasons and a number of first-round draft busts. Originally said by Steelers broadcasting legend Myron Cope.
Who remembers the "famous" Cincinnati Bungles like David Klinger and Ki-Jana Carter?
by StoogeWatcher March 21, 2011
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Underpants, where the nutsack can freely dangle.
"Roy went home yesterday, wearing only his bungle boxer"
by ktvsteeg July 19, 2006
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A euphemism for the butthole of a man or woman, ussually used within comedy.
Man1: Dude, my bungle hole is really itchy.
Man2: TMI bro.
by DrDinosaurus November 2, 2014
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