Awkwardly-Social human who tends not to fit into crowds (even anti-social crowds), often doing random acts of stupidity for attention, or slowly fading away into the Master universe of all blumpkins in which the Original Blumpkin controls.
"hey bro whats up"(normal human sentence) "man imsoo high lets get high, bro can i go to the store for you for a smoke even in -50 i dont care bro, hey bro dont you love lil wayne i love lil wayne bro"(blumpkin sentence)
by thecanadiancreator November 23, 2014
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facial rash or irritation caused by performing excessive amounts of blumpkins
It looks like Mary has another bad case of blumpkinitis.
by Bendover2x2 October 8, 2008
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The action of taking a dump, while eating a Wendys* Baconator and getting your dick sucked. Enjoyed usually on sunny days, either inside a home or porta potty.
Yesterday, while receiving a blumpkin, Tom threw Fred a baconator and the blumpkinator was born.
by Dick Paul June 25, 2011
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The act of doing a blumpkin (see blumpkin: “ the act of performing fellatio whilst the recipient is defecating in a toilet.” )
" I was blumpkining all night" ( which means he spent all night on the toilet whilst getting his cock sucked)
by The adventures of G-Girl August 20, 2010
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To recieve oral sex from male or female while taking a crap
"Last night Susie gave me a Blumpkin while I went poop"
by mbd8907 August 24, 2006
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The delicately balanced art of getting your cock sucked while taking a dump.
Morty made frequent trips to the office restroom, but never when the janitor who calls Costa Rica is there, because that janitor like to give Blumpkins.
by Von Hayes March 10, 2005
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when a guy is taking a shit while receiving a blow job
she gave me a blumpkin at school, it felt so nice
by cooterfuzz January 26, 2021
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