Juan Ponce de Leon a.k.a Ponce de Leon. The guy who found Florida while in search for the legendary fountain of youth.
Student: Who found Florida?
Teacher: Juan Ponce de Leon a.k.a Ponce de Leon.
by Brittany M. September 18, 2006
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a stupid kid that larps that hes a locker, plus his name used to be alex and he changed it, fuck that faggot!
you a larp like sour a.k.a GWNERVILLE hahaha
by xDaddyLocker July 30, 2023
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A "secondary" or "colloquial" term for the "weapon of choice" among soldiers and firearm-enthusiasts alike.
Some sportsman like to try out all these new-fandangled plastic/resin-bodied target-rifles, but I always prefer da good ol' A.K.A.-47 --- it's cheap, reliable, and easy to service and get parts for.
by QuacksO August 14, 2018
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The bestest friend in the whole wide world. This is a person who will be there for you no matter what. She is a person that you would end up in jail with, but it would be so worth it. This kind of person isn't the best speller, but she tries hard and that's good. She laughs at all you're terrible jokes and you can tell each other anything. I love yoouuuu lizard breath!!!!!!
That girl is such a Zil Thod a.k.a. Jizz Chode and it's awesome
by Ttirbykins September 30, 2011
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1. A kid with severe intelligence deficit, however, he thinks pretty highly of himself, especially with his mental capabilities. Another, defining characteristic about this specimen is that he thinks that he is changing the rap game, but the truth is that he is not capable of rhyming and needs people to explain him basic metaphors. A positive quality of this neanderthal is his love for the soccer team from Tijuana The Xolos.
Dude, can't you believe that lil 'turro a.k.a MC-mec choked against MC Dinero.
by please Pat McGroin May 18, 2018
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A local term for the 94303 zip code, stretching from the south side of Palo Alto to EPA.
Daquan: Bro I finna pull up to the 303
Jaquavius: Watch out big bruh thats Slum City A.K.A. Murdaville.

Daquan: Gah damn I better stay strapped
by Bigboy81 May 21, 2024
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What you call a man when he weighs 17 pounds and simps on every girl at Holy Cross.
Lucas is a King Simp (a.k.a. Flat Simp).
by HoldItDownForTheTown May 24, 2020
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