A whore whore is someone who uses the word whore as a suffix or second part of a noun too much.
Kelsey the whorewhore called Megan a fuckwhore and her boyfriend a computerwhore, or nerd. Whore,whorewhore. h0r. h0rnee. horny. horn-ee. Well anyways, she called me a ‘horn whore’.. That whore whore.
by Victor Van Styn September 25, 2005
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1. full of whores
2. so awful, it can not just be described by the word "awful"
"My internet exploded."
"That's whoreful."
by jankit November 23, 2007
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someone who works as a prositute. We get payed a decent amount to keep a roof over our heads. Though we can get hooked on drugs. I get payed decent money and resort to this to put food on the table. We do it cause we have no other choice.
Im a whore. i DO what i have to do to get by.
by Angel Vitale. January 14, 2008
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to be made fun of horribly.
Yo dat pimp got whored son!
by charley watts April 10, 2004
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A slut with good business sense and financial responsibility.
"That slut just asked me to pay her for last night!"
"Hey man, chill out and show some respect - that's a whore!"
"Oh, I didn't even realize... Now I feel bad."
by Chris (the sexy one) February 6, 2009
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1. (n) A person who will sleep with nearly anyone (sometimes regardless of gender) for financial gain.

The adjective form of "Whore" would be "Whore-like" or "Whore-ish", and can be used to describle style of dress or behaviors that would correspond with a whore.

"Whore" is most often used when referring to a female who exhibits said characteristics. When in reference to males, the term "Man-Whore" is often used.

See also: slut
Guy: "Hey, how much for a blowjob?"

Whore: "$50 bucks."

Guy: "Sounds good", *ziiip* "Get to work."
by phroot August 21, 2008
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someone who has sex with a lot of people, usually very friviously
Jane is a complete whore, thats why so many guys know her.
by Anonymous June 16, 2002
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