The slang term or nickname for the ATL. Atlanta, Georgia. Not Aurora, Colorado which is a suburb full of wiggers and posers.
wiggers posers ATL Atlanta A-town is not a Aurora south,north, east, southeast, west, gang.
by TeraPeo April 2, 2009
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When someone is out and they want to go out all night.
by Rochaz78 April 20, 2019
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When your in Enfield town and your just know how it is...
We are towning
You are towning
I will town
We have towned

Tom:Wuu2 today?
by Ratsboi February 19, 2009
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How people from Manchester (Mancunians) refer to going to the city centre.
"I'm going into town, do you want owt?"
by Frankie Buttons October 6, 2022
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Put 'town' after a word describing a place for added emphasis.
*walk into a plush hotel* This place is swanktown!
*walk into a bar full of attractive girls* This place is bufftown!
*walk into a nasty toilet* Shit, this hole is manktown.

(see swank, buff and mank)
by Jackie-F September 19, 2005
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Going out and getting drunk in the city

Originating in Tasmania, where they refer to the capital city as “town”
I went out towning on the weekend, obar was heaps loose
by Obarslut August 22, 2019
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verb. To do really well on a test
I hit the books fuhreal - I plan on A-towning that test, dog!
by Spinny Hodge June 6, 2019
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