The masculine form of the word Bitch. Man bitch
Tony quit being a Mitch and go help Paulina with the pizza!
by Dat_Dude_Dup February 5, 2014
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Term used to describe female MIT students, most often of the bad variety. MITches are not only sexy, but they are smart and sexy. MITches are known for their spontaneity, love of food, and excellent taste in men and music. Upon meeting a MITch, you will proceed to feel an instant connection, and all of your other college choices will cease to be relevant. MITches are the epitome of “Work hard, play hard.” They are unbelievably smart and talented in whatever they do, while remaining grounded. If you date a MITch, consider yourself a lucky person in society. MITches don’t necessarily have to go to MIT either; if you meet a girl who is both truly smart and truly sexy, you have come across a MITch or a derivative of one. All in all, MITches know how to get it done and how to have a good tim
Janna: Dude, why the fuck would you chose MIT over Stanford? What’s your problem?
Eni: I love bad MITches that’s my fucking problem!

Guy #1: Dude I met the hottest chick last night, she blew my... mind away with her knowledge of astrophysics and math.
Lucas: Should have gotten her autograph, you just ran into a MITch.
by eniwaffles March 21, 2014
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A name given to a guy who looks like anyone's cousin.
Hey it's cousin Mitch!
by 214col December 1, 2014
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(noun) 1. A person who makes very corny, unfunny, yet surprisingly clever jokes that absolutely no one ever laughs at, however this person is persistent and continues to make these jokes for some unknown reason

(verb) 2. The act of making a joke that is corny, unfunny yet surprisingly clever, usually made by a Mitch (n). One does not have to be a Mitch (n) to Mitch (v).
1. "What was with that guy and all the corny ass jokes...?"
"I don't know, but he was such a Mitch!"

2. "Sorry, but if I was down with the brown, I'd get stuck in the toilet!" *proceeds to laugh at his own joke*

"Dude, you Mitch all of the fucking time"
by Alexander J. Thompson January 25, 2009
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Dude, Uncle Edward was being such a mitch today!
by WWW.COMPASS July 2, 2023
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He is always the best child in the family he is the most amzing guy with the biggest penis in the world
by James smolder April 20, 2019
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He will be the fitest boy you will meet.always laughing and never alone
"Did you see Mitch today
by Yeezuyeezu March 13, 2019
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