1) One person of many sprinkled about the face of the Earth by god to test the patience of those who believe in him. Most of which are relatives
or live in your city.

2) A broke person with no job and who you helped out and you gave them a place to sleep and you gave them food and they let your indoor cat out and they smoked your stash and they ate ALL of your food and used the last of your toilet paper and fell asleep in your favorite chair and pissed in it ... ... ... and gets mad when you kick them out but doesn't forget to ask for a ride somewhere.
1) If you are reading this ... you MIGHT be an asshole!

2) Nuff said!
by LayItOnYou March 19, 2007
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Any driver but you; someone who cuts you off while you are driving
Look at that asshole, he pulled out right in front of me
by Lisa Sohara February 7, 2004
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A guy that other guys hate and their girl friends like.
The guy that your girlfriend will breakup with you for.
The person everyone seems to like but you.
Someone Karma doesn't effect negatively on.
Some one you wish you were but just can't be.
That asshole stole my girlfriend
That asshole treats her horribly but she still likes him more than me.
by Hate on me August 26, 2010
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A person in another car who cuts you off to get to the next lane, almost hits you while talking on the phone.
that asshole just cut me off
by miney May 28, 2005
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A male who commits adulterous acts, which is fine, however, once he's found out, denies it all. Once his close brother-like friends get tired of hearing his bullshit, he has to go talk shit in the great state of Maryland.

What this asshole fails to realize is 1. he has a small penis. 2. he's a coward. 3. playing the "nice guy" only works if you're actually nice.

It's sad when a friendship is lost and a girl regrets ever turning around to meet him in the first place.
this asshole has completed all of these acts
a. sleeping with ugly beezys w/ nasty bodies (some with boyfriends).
b. not owning up to his choices in fear of actually being seen as the grimy ass he truly is.
c. saying too much shit and claiming he "didn't do anything"
by sooooo DONE February 11, 2010
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In the 18th and 19th century, thievery was prevalent in the Wild West. Freight companies often used teams of horses or donkeys to move goods from town to town. Marauding thieves would often target these mule and horse teams for their valuable cargo--including salt, hematite and sometimes raw beef.

Any 5 year old knows that trying to stop a 16 mule team at a full gallop, dead in its tracks is not only impossible, but also dangerous. One runs the risk of being trampled or even eaten alive, limb by limb. So, to bring these pachyderms to a stop, bandits would dig trenches 20 feet deep and 30 feet long then cover the trench with sticks and stones and weed and bombs. The mule team would unsuspectingly go galloping over the covered trench and to their dismay, would fall in and all of the horses and mules would perish. The cargo, however, would remain intact and it was then simply a matter of the thieves lower themselves into the pit to reap the reward of raw beef and hematite from the corpses of the mules.

These pits soon became known as assholes, as the primary type of animal that would become ensnared were mules and donkeys. As rail and steam ships became more common for transporting goods, the "asshole" fell out of popularity. The true meaning of the word became diluted over time and eventually came to mean 'a dishonest or thieving person who does not have the best intentions for others.'
Sorry I'm late. I got caught up in an asshole.
by furnfee October 23, 2009
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An obnoxious, arrogant, self-centered male who women can't seem to get enough of.
Stan thought his relationship with Jenny was great until she dumped him for an asshole.
by vicfan March 25, 2004
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