What you say to get someones attention when they are distracted
Hey Emily
"Oh? Yeah what do you need?"
by Obsessive_Fangirl October 19, 2019
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Shortened version of ye. When you agree with what’s being said but you’re not very interested.

Pronounced ‘Eh’.
Dudette: “did you like the party last night?”

Dude: “e”
by Leigh Killick February 11, 2019
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E refers to a deep fried image of the face YouTube Let’s Player Markiplier photoshopped onto the head of Lord Farquaad from Shrek with the letter “E” in impact font overlaying the image.

Later edits posted the face over an image of Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional Hearings. The character was then edited in several templates referencing the absurdity of modern memes.
by Pink Larry the Pink Guy May 23, 2018
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sarcasm, retardation, stupid things, ect.
<Person1> Watch out for Person2, he's strong when mad
<Person2> yea i can just about hurt a fly :E
by Origon April 1, 2005
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a number that, when raised to the x power, is the derivative and antiderivative of itself.

d(e^x)/dx = e^x, sucka.
?(e^x)dx = e^x + C. Holla at calculus, biotch.

e can be represented by the infinite series 1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!.....

e is the base for natural logarithms.

the e root of e has a higher value than any number in the form of "n root of n." (approximately 1.44467)

e to the square root of negative pi (an imaginary number) amazingly equals -1, a real number.

To the 9th decimal place is 2.718281828.
e is a cool number. It's almost as cool as a hoobajoob.
by Calculicious December 20, 2003
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