Derived from the process of sheet welding (i.e. sticking two sheets together), refers to bed-based masturbatory activities, with the assumed consequence that the 'sheets' (substituted for 'blankets' for increased differentiation from the innocent metal-work activity), will be welded (i.e. stuck together with semen) together.
Ash: "Euurrggh Doug, is that your hand moving up and down under your covers?"

Doug: "No!"

Ash: "Don't lie, you're blanket welding again, aren't you?"

Doug: "Is it okay if I was thinking of you while I was doing it?"

Ash: "You're sooo not waking up tomorrow".
by Nuciphaal January 13, 2005
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One of the highest paid, most sought after engineers in existance. A product of THE Ohio State University.

see also, better than you
Dan wishes he was a Welding Engineer, instead he's stuck living for AutoCad with his Mechanical Engineering degree.
by Cameron Benedict October 30, 2007
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Post-coital syndrome, occuring when one's penis becomes stuck to the sheet, do to drying semen.
"If you don't get up and wash your wanker, it's gonna get spot-welded" she warned.
by GewehrWolf April 3, 2007
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As the name implies, this is a weld that it brushed on. It is used by the 'clever' DIY'er to 'fix' holes in cars which would otherwise fail roadworthyness test. Brush on weld takes the form of either underseal or seam sealer. Since it is much easier to apply than a proper metal weld, in that it doesnt actually join any metal together, it is within the grasp of most spanner monkeys.
Guy 1:- My car has a hole in the suspension turret and it cant pass its MOT.
Spanner monkey:- I can fix that for you using brush on weld. The MOT man will never know.

Guy 1:- You Fucking Knob Jockey! That brush on weld failed the mot!
by DMIG October 31, 2011
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When a loser who has little to no contact with girls finally gets touched by a girl or a stripper and immediately blows a load in his pants but says nothing.. Then said load dries and his junk is stuck to the front of his pants...
We got Chuck a lapdance at the strip club lastnight and he totally spot welded himself to the front of his pants during the dance.

Harp had never been with a girl before, when she took her top off it caused him to spot weld himself to the front of his pants.
by Ref Rob G February 2, 2010
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The seam that travels down the middle of the ballsack and to the asshole.
Dude my gooch has been itching all day!

You're gooch? Man that's God's Weld!
by DatSasquatch January 2, 2022
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A small man welding working for A N Fab.
Did you see that small guy at A an Fab, he is a welding midget
by The UK BIG G June 21, 2018
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