When you want to call someone cool, rad, swaggy but since tater tots are all of these things it’s an even bigger compliment. Thank us later. If you want to return the compliment, say “tots to you too!” It’s a real cool kid term.
by Neckyourself👌🏻 June 1, 2018
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An awfully cringe term that makes anyone hate you.
WHOA DUDE THATS totally rad brah!”
by Dsdavfrbgtnnfgh5(6((: June 3, 2022
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A person who completely abstains from falling in love.
Why do you hate falling in love??!! You're such a love totaler!!
by smektala ahmed April 29, 2011
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someone who smokes to go to bed to matter how stoner looking they are
Audrey: i needa take a break from smoking but i can’t because i smoke to go to sleep! 😫
Stewy: you're a total stoner
by penjamin city December 18, 2022
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