1. under house arrest

2. being limited from what you been doing in your own home because of overwhelming or unexpected interference, mainly from people that's too close for comfort.
EXAMPLE: Being a prisoner in your own home can relate to anyone sticking around more than you want them to because it kills or changes where you feel the most comfortable which is at home.
by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant March 24, 2009
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The comeback to when a dumb pedophile says age is just a number
Guy: The fuck are you doing with that kid?
Pedo: age is just a number
Guy: Prison Cells are Just Rooms *calls the cops*
by BeatleBoyThicc August 6, 2018
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Prison sex between big bubba and some other dude.Which is hella wrong,but in a way funny.
Gaylords batty men village people
two guy's bonin' early in the monin'
by thebestguyonearth January 22, 2005
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To establish a scholarships for the children of incarcerated parents, and for students of Caribbean and West Indies decadents; to establish a curriculum for criminal prevention for Elementary through High Schools students, and finally to provide other solutions within our society that will prevent and decrease the numbers of individuals going and or returning to prison within the United States.
Prison Inmate Day (PID)is celebrated on November 1, of each year, we are requesting that you light a candle (: only when you are at home ;) to concentrate on all inmates: Some inmate did not commit the crime, some inmates leave and then return to jail. Let us call upon the universe to correct the problems we have on the streets, and in our families, so that we can keep our children out of prison and out of trouble.
by Pamela Peters June 19, 2008
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Roger Stone's tattoo clarion call for nookie in prison
Roger Stone entered prison today and took of his shirt; Bowser, inmate No. 3452B, saw Stone's tricky dick prison tattoo and thought "mmm imma get me some of that"
by Uncle Joosie January 25, 2019
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When a party is busted and the underage drinkers running away resembles a prison break.
May include people climbing out windows and jumping off roofs.
guy1:hey bro, i heard shit got crazy last night.

guy2:yea man, when the cops showed up is was prison break party bust with people everywhere.
by theboss100million March 6, 2009
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Someone who is gang raped repeatedly in prison. This is used as a punishment normally reserved for child molesters, rapists, and snitches.
Damn, child molestation? Well, he'll be a prison pin cushion in no time.
by rm 110 & co March 10, 2017
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