Loafs are a yummy snackk chocolate ie the best.
Whats that?” “Loafs!”
by Loafsss February 24, 2021
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“Im going to get that loaf in poker this weekend!”
by Broamalyn October 2, 2018
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When someone or something is really bad.
That party was loaf af.
Those shoes are loaf.
by anad dna aiag January 31, 2019
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Someone who does stuff just to make girls laugh or just to look cool in front of girls
Caleb is such a loaf he kept making fun of Carson in front of the table of freshman girls.
by NotLoafin August 25, 2022
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A common resting pose for felines, usually associated with housecats. To assume the position, the cat must tuck their arms and legs under their body, resting on their wrists, then either tuck their tail under themselves as well, or simply wrap it around themselves. The final form is a shape and size that (depending on the species) can be likened to a loaf of bread, hence the name.

While other animals can do this like cats can, the term 'loaf' is almost always used for cats alone, likely due to most animals having unideal body proportions to loaf properly (like giraffes).

The word 'loaf' can also be used as a verb, as in 'loafing,' and as the opposite to that verb, 'unloafing.'
Whenever my cat is a loaf, I sometimes confuse him with an actual loaf of bread.

I love it when my cat loafs on me and starts purring.
by Goofy-Guy September 7, 2022
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Loaf is a synonym for bread,paper,cheese,stacks,racks,spiff,cash,money,greenbacks, dead presidents,etc..
As Russel Westbrook made the game winning shot in the last few seconds he whispered under his breath "loaf" because he knew his shot was on the money.
by Tear Drop Drop Top April 5, 2017
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Also means a cat.
If you call a person a loaf then they are a furry
The loaf pooped in its food can
by UltraLoaf March 1, 2023
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