Las Vegas and randy tienen nada que be comun
Las Vegas and randy tienen nada comun
by Real Alberto May 28, 2022
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Northern California Ravers who have stayed up all night high on whatever. As the sun is coming up, they create a shot glass with their hand, pour some liquor in, and snort the liquor and slap themselves in the eye/face.

It has no real purpose but it provides entertainment.
let’s do a Las Vegas breakfast!

Oh noI don’t want to but I will of you are.
by JaxAttAck April 28, 2023
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Slamming your erect (or not) penis into the coin insert slot of a casino slot machine. Usually is until point of orgasm rendering the machine unusable because of the mass amount of seminal fluids.
Damn, slugging a Vegas slot really hurts but hell is it funny.
by NiggerCock101 February 15, 2016
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Derived from "What happens in Vegas , stays in Vegas. Except Herpes that shit comes back with you" along with Chickenpox being a very common virus most people have, creates a less threatening title for Genital Herpes.
Adult 1: I wanna fuuuuq you so bad right now bb...

Adult 2: Sweet but first I gotta let you know I have Vegas Chickenpox...

Adult 1: That doesn't sound very threatening! I have fun in Vegas! I won't press you for more information! Let's fuuuuq!

Adult 2: RADICAL!
by mindxkontrolle October 2, 2016
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Our society METH addictions is do serious that is PANDEMIC where CELINE MARIE CLAUDETTE DION was at time a full pledge addict till her LIFE was almost snuffed out.
The problem I ran into as a lot of HOMOSEXUAL men to be honest with you are so uncomfortable with their orientation they turn to alcohol and drugs to BUFFER being GAY by using an excuse at the HOMOSEXUAL BATH HOUSES as "do you party" , as my problem as I don't so they got paranoid or played this blackmail game on me as JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE but a lot of these people have dirty palaces too but it is.a LAS VEGAS BLOOD POISONING due to the fact at one time they leaned on ADDICTED CELINE MARIE CLAUDETTE DION as an alibi to use METH and other narcotics where there was LAX POLICE AUTHORITY which now that it has the BOOMERANG EFFECT as CELINE us not METH or for that matter DRUG FRIENDLY anymore but this MATTHEW SHEPPARD came up to me just to be spiteful at STARBUCKS as it was decided by the place as MAHA ua lying deceitful BITCH a as the LAS VEGAS BLOOD POISONING of their TRESPASS GAME is now on full gear in a supposed more sophisticated place but I say STARBUCKS just entered the ring at CASTRO CUBA of tarnishing SILICON VALLEY with their stupidity SPITE as the " ALONE" game was nothing more than a game of EXCLUSION which is the entire story of the LAS VEGAS BLOOD POISONING that I hope smarter people can stop this menacing spiteful behavior I endured this morning at KEVIN R. JOHNSON'S stumping grounds.
by FOLLOW THE PERFECT SUN September 9, 2021