When finishing sex, the male pulls out and cums on their partner's back, then licks the sperm and blows air on the area where he licked.
A is having sex with a girl doggy style and then finishes on her back, licks his jizz, and then blows air on the area, he just did a Tennessee Wetback.
by MixPix21 October 19, 2009
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A Fierce Cove on the east side of the grapevine lake where a numerous number of wetbacks seek shelter from the popo.
I saw a couple of Wetbacks sprinting to Wetback Mountain Seeking Shelter.
by salaaaa October 25, 2006
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An alcoholic beverage made with one part tequila and two parts apple juice.
I was feeling tipsy halfway through the party and Billy convinced me to try a wetback cider. I felt like I was getting drunk in kindergarten.
by Thailer September 22, 2010
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A form of poncho worn by mexicans consisting of a garbage bag with head and arm holes cut out.
I was walking to class in the rain and saw a mexican mowing the lawn wearing a wetback poncho.
by Kris P. Bacon October 8, 2009
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When two sellers in a park usually selling elotes get into an argument which ends in a cart being tipped over or
the police or immigration arriving.

Fights between mexicans.

"Hey,did you see those elite sellers fighting over the park"
"Hey,did you see that wetback moment.That one paisa cart got tipped over
by Cristiano Prodigy December 30, 2010
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One of the greatest rappers on soundcloud, he's so fire and his lines are the most creative ass shit you will ever hear in your life FAX
Einstein: I took a moment to listen to 305 by Yung Wetback, and my IQ instantly doubled
Young Thug: fax.
by Not Yung Wetback November 17, 2018
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1. A flu contracted by wetbacks and their pigs. All the cases in America were contracted by wetbacks and most were here illegally. See Swine Flu
Man those wetbacks are nasty, why dont they deport them yet....now they carry diseases like wetback flu...what is wrong with this administration
by shdwsclan April 29, 2009
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