Ninja has no definition as Ninja cannot be defined
OMG a Ninja*decap*
by The only real ninja here March 2, 2010
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The single-handed most common ruiner of Erotic Stories
"I was having buttsecks but then Ninjas attacked. Bugger"
by Sir Jesus H Christ January 25, 2005
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To insidiously and calculatedly disseminate massive quantities of misinformation in order to completely obscure and divert attention from the real meaning of something nefarious.

The real ninjas ninja'd the popular websites and online dictionaries with bogus information about ninjas. By doing this, they diverted attention from the cryptic underground hacking book about ninjas entitled "Real Ultimate Power."
by ham-man July 11, 2008
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"Hey lets ninja us up a pizza"

"Your mom was all like, wanna ninja?"
by darrenism August 25, 2006
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1. Ninjas are mammals.
2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

Weapons and Gear:

Ninja sword
Throwing stars
Ninja outfit


Ninjas can kill anyone they want! Ninjas cut off heads ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this ninja who was eating at a diner. And when some dude dropped a spoon the ninja killed the whole town. My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.

And that's what I call REAL Ultimate Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't believe that ninjas have REAL Ultimate Power you better get a life right now or they will chop your head off!!! It's an easy choice, if you ask me.

Ninjas are sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. These guys are totally awesome and that's a fact. Ninjas are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start yoga next year. I love ninjas with all of my body (including my pee pee).

Q and A:

Q: Why is everyone so obsessed about ninjas?

A: Ninjas are the ultimate paradox. On the one hand they don't give a crap, but on the other hand, ninjas are very careful and precise.

Q: I heard that ninjas are always cruel or mean. What's their problem?

A: Whoever told you that is a total liar. Just like other mammals, ninjas can be mean OR totally awesome.

Q: What do ninjas do when they're not cutting off heads or flipping out?

A: Most of their free time is spent flying, but sometime they stab. (Ask Mark if you don't believe me.)
One kid dropped a spoon and a ninja totally killed the whole town.
by Brian Damage August 27, 2005
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He is a fortnite twitch streamer and all he dose is sit on his ass all day and show off his skins on fortnite. He never spends time with his wife and just plays with drlupo and tictactim. He also has a desease called ligma but when u say it to him he will get salty and bam you
Ninja a twitch stream who dose fuck all
by StopNinja September 8, 2018
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Ninja can be mistaken for those guys who run around at night in black however, similar is it’s true definition. Which is a criminal who robs and joins gangs these “ninjas” are well known for being loud and abnoxious.
by Komodo Food July 10, 2023
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