when a person is so insecure with herself that whatever word you say, she will try to sound intelligent and basically say the exact same thing you said, but with different words...
This is an example of someone
russelling you...

The movie is 150 minutes long.

oh ok, the movie is two and a half hours

The bill is mailed every three months.

oh ok, the bill is mailed quarterly...

if someone talks to you like this, you have been russelled
by mrgold July 24, 2008
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A dance move where you hang both arms behind your back and swing them violently while leaning your torso back and wiggling.
"Did you see that guy last night?"
"Yeah he was doing The Russell so hard he almost took a girls eye out!"
by dovelace October 1, 2015
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a short rodeo boy who knows how to ride horses, he can get any girl he wants with his bad posture.
Random Girl: Oh my god it's Russell!!

Other Random Girl: I heard that he knows how to wrap up presents

what a russell !!
by Russell hater xoxox August 18, 2021
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A bad ass baller and thinks he got the biggest dick. Believes he’s very shmexy and looks at his math teachers ass all day. He is known to have cute dogs.
Do you ball? You must be a Russell!!
by Im2cool4you January 10, 2019
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The act of stimulating your prostate to aid masturbation.
I just caught Mark Jolliffe Russeling in the bathroom!
by Mr Bag June 15, 2010
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Truly an amazing human. You may be weary at first to trust a Russell because they can be so reserved, but have faith in their loyalty and honesty. A Russell is committed, loving, and willing to marry you anytime, anywhere. A rare Russell would have the body of a Greek God, mind of a genius, a taste in music that is truly unique, and be a bit of a smart ass. Be grateful when a Russell comes into your life.
That guy Russell is a cutie - a real fuckin' snack.
by PraiseSatan November 7, 2019
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