Why would we flip a tee several times to establish honors when we can flip a Starter Coin once?
by GolfCreature March 11, 2011
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a first husband, married in youth and divorced not long after, esp. relationships without children
I just married my starter husband at 18 to get away from my family.
by Grrtie October 19, 2004
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A millennial who is willing to take less-than-appropriate pay for their work, due to start-ups, terrible market conditions, stingy bosses, or any of the above.
We're looking for a hard working self-starter who can keep up with the fast pace of the office.
Pay? Oh, there won't be any pay.
by Drnoise March 14, 2017
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The first bowl to begin a session of smoking marijuana. It is usually slightly less than a full bowl.
Steve: "This weed we picked up looks dank."

Guy 2: "Let me see the sack, I'll pack a litle starter bowl.
by Shadows_420 May 31, 2009
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a small penis that is appreciated only for its purpose as a taper that will gradually and painlessly lead to bigger and better penises
My asshole didn't even bleed after that monster cock, last night, thanks to all those starter dicks.
by cerntflerps December 28, 2011
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1) A fart starter is someone who begins to fart and then realizes another person is in the room. The fart starter then cancels the fart in the hope the other person didn't hear anything. A fart starter may occasionally be hospitalized for a ruptured colon.

2) A fart starter is a person who begins to fart until he realizes he has shit his pants. Fart starters sometimes suffer from a condition known as Brain-Colon Disconnect Syndrome or BCDS.
Cindy was an avid fart starter and she had to be. She suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and enjoyed Mexican food. She was also a decorated librarian.
by mkdaddy October 22, 2013
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