Sexual position in which one holds onto their partner aloof, swinging like a sloth from a tree, with full penis insertion.
Let's do The Sloth
by kingflippynips420 June 24, 2017
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When a person is lazy. Someone doing nothing productive all day.
You slothed all weekend.
by Bonafide1 January 12, 2018
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Slothing is when someone does a task like studying and does the studying at a very chilled and slow yet productive pace. Occasionally taking breaks every so often. Slothing can be done is a span of a day or over a couple of weeks, even months.

At the end of the day, the task is completed just over a long period of time.
Bro 1 : Bro, did you finish our group assignment yet.
Bro 2: Bro, yes I did but we go 5 weeks left.
Bro 1: But bro finish it up.
Bro 2: But bro, I'm Slothing.
by BoetThe_ii April 2, 2020
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The most majestic creature that has ever been imagined by god. It can run faster than a black guy with a TV, sleep longer than an ogre, and can blaze it harder than those stoners you know down the street. The sloth was made by god to spell out destruction and tyranny. If you happen to come across this majestic figure, hold onto your Dank and back away slowly, it has been known to take out some of America's greatest Military operators, these creatures should not be messes with, because they have the speed and power of a black man. Once you have backed away a good 420 feet and 69 inches, hope that this ogretastic creature is satisfied with your skrubiness and maybe spare you. If you have seen a sloth in person, you have been very lucky the sloth decided not to take your life.
I love to beat my sloth with a baseball bat
by MushroomToast January 10, 2016
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A lazy person with no athletic ability! Often has a weird hair cut and enjoys lying to there mom about working out
Jim was supposed to be working on a project but desided to go to t-bell, what a sloth
by Redbirds94 January 21, 2015
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When your name is Lauryn with a y and you consistently have a routine of a vegetative state consisting of and not limited to: eating a full Jack's pizza, not cleaning her room, laying in bed all day while watching videos on Instagram and/or pictures on VSCO.
Wow, if I had to choose a spirit animal for Lauryn, it would be a sloth.
by Concerned ankle breaker April 11, 2019
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