A woman in Florida in a persistant vegetative state whose situation is being used by conservative sons of bitches for political grandstanding. If Republicans are all for the sanctity of marriage, why don't they want to honor the husband's wishes? Bush signed a law back when he was governor of Texas that left the decision of pulling the plug to the hospital if the families couldn't pay insurance, and because of this, a baby died in a Texas hospital even when it's mother wanted to keep it alive. The husband has the authority in this case and Terri's been like this for 15 years. I think God's been waiting for her up in heaven for all those years.
This Terri Schiavo mess is making us liberals sick. That's right, I'm a liberal and proud of it conservative mother fuckers!
by conservatives go to HELL! March 27, 2005
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What happens to you when you suffer from anorexia or bulimia.
"God I'm starving" ---Terri Schiavo
by Nigby December 8, 2006
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The act of impersonating Terry Schiavo or of someone that is in a permanant vegative state.
Haha, look at that dude, he is doing the Schiavo
by Vektorious May 19, 2005
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...died today. Let's stop arguing about her, all right? Be nice to one another.
Let her rest in peace, and hopefully her husband and parents can stop arguing over funeral arrangements.
by RIP Terri March 31, 2005
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To become so inebriated or stoned that one
is mostly brain dead yet has a placid or even happy exterior demeanor.
Man! After that 1/8 th of Kind we were way
by Theo April 6, 2005
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It's a good thing Janet Reno isn't still the attorney general.She would just be all like,"Fuck it,I'm sick of this Mexican standoff.Burn the building down."
Fuckin jack-booted thugs.
by Eric Cartman March 25, 2005
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A brain-damaged woman whose right-to-die case between her husband and her parents has been turned into another tawdry soap opera by the media and politicians — as well as a definition-turned-message board on Urban Dictionary featuring a non-so-civil debate between rabid conservative jackasses and elitist liberal jackasses.
by Ze neutral voice of reason March 25, 2005
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