Sexual activity involving the insertion of a golfball (of any color or brand) into the anus of a male's sexual partner, followed by poking (or "putting") the ball with his member while inside the rectum.
In a statement: "I got a hole-in-one last night while playing butt putt"

Or, could be an answer to a question: "Why are you walking funny?" "Butt Putt..."
by Anonymous Golfer October 9, 2008
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Someone who gets mad playing golf because they are about to lose a bet ,and call rules on their friend when the never play officially.putt mongeling is the most low down someone can go.most common names for a putt mongeler include -carter trantham,and that's all...
I always get a putt mongler on my team it's utter bull shit.
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A short, fat, out of shape middle-aged man who is still charming in a sense.
Your dad is such a putt egg.
by mrrunandhyde April 15, 2014
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The equivalent of a Texas wedge used predominantly by Lauras of the world. Highly effective from distances of 30m or closer. Ineffective from further out, this technique has been highly utilised especially in South East Asia where wedges are frustratingly thinned or fatted, often resulting in a double par.
I’m going to Laura putt this for an eagle.
by TMTP February 11, 2023
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The symbolic representation of The Cuck viewing his wife being uppercutted by the bulls penis.
That bull just gave that guys wife a huge Cucker Putt.
by Galbatorix IV November 1, 2017
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