Dried crusts of semen left in the ear canal, after a night of intoxicated debauchery.
Crystal had to clean out her Indiana Ear Mites, after Jamal drank too much and lost control of his aim.
by Moon Dog Rex August 11, 2023
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jive·o·mite \jahyv-oh-mahyt\ 1 to engage in an overabundance of usually demeaning put-downs, teasing, exaggeration, or kidding often between friends.
Last night was no much fun, when Sam came in wearing that stupid hat it started a Jive-O-mite explosion of put-downs ending in the usual classic yo mama jokes.
by LevArtation January 30, 2011
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it can be used to describe a person, object, even a feeling. anything at all! the "sexy can be substituted for any number of other things to suit the situation.
hey you sexy-mite scroll! i like your shorts
Say you see a fat person walking down the road, you might say "omfg thats a bit of a fatty-mite scroll!"
by Sexy-Mite Scroll August 21, 2006
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Slang for scabies. They're small mites that burrow into the skin and lay eggs. They cause intense itching and are passed through skin to skin contact or exposure to them in bedding or clothing. While not always passed via sexual intercourse they frequently are in teenagers and young adults.
Bobby: Whoa man check out Dylan he's scratching like his whole body is on fire!

Jay: Yeah man he's got that STM...

Bobby: What the fuck is an STM?!

Jay: It's scabies. They're a STM (sexually transmitted mite). He supposedly got it from that broad he was humpin'.

Bobby: Wait. Isn't that what you just had?

Jay: I don't want to talk about it.
by Biggest Rockstar sans Band January 27, 2009
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A word used to express extreme badassery, maturity, sexiness and on occasion, holy penis size. Often used as a much more fantastic and meaningful synonym for dynomite.
Person 1: Did you just have sex with three girls while playing YYZ by Rush on the drums, cooking pancakes and kicking Mike Tyson's ass?
Person 2: Suredizzle.
Person1: Legit-o-mite!

Girl: Oh my gosh! He has a 9 inch penis! And it glows! It is so legit-o-mite!
by King of FUPA December 14, 2010
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A cool white friend that's not ashamed of having ancestors from the Caucasus Mountains.
Man, you and your family from up here look like mountain mites on that patch of snow with all that furry hair covering your bodies.
by Icare! June 12, 2020
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the dumbest shit imaginable
I know this fat weeb who's always on the mite, I'm gonna kick him in the ribs.
by yeetboy3000 April 12, 2019
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