what a minor does when her or she wants alcohol - approaches people entering the liquor store and asks to pay them to buy some alkie.
We went to Hey Mister at the Campus Liquor
by ***w*** January 14, 2002
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Response used by when called a "faggot"; used ironically or not, depending on the situation and danger (perceived or real).
--Hey, faggot!!
--That's Mister Faggot to you, Neanderthal breeder.

--Hey, faggot!!
--That's Mister Faggot to you, Mom.
by rickster_dc September 12, 2005
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Always manages to do things that make your life harder. Works with Someone Else, but parents refer to Mister Nobody more often.
"Oh, so I suppose Mister Nobody ate the last cookie!"
by Gary April 24, 2005
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1.someone whose voice cracks unintentionally at any given moment.
the state, or the illusion of being in the midst of pubescence.
note: has nothing to do with age or gender

2.anyone who has just inhaled helium

3.someone actually going through puberty and who advertises this by wearing pants that are too short and not shaving their incoming scruff.
hey doll, its zach. Call(two octaves higher) *cough cough* me when you get this message.

why certainly, mister puberty.
by my uterus and i September 26, 2005
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A pretty bad and unoriginal person. Only the worst tweets, terrible YouTube videos, and disgustingly bad Instagram post.
Yo is your name Mister Unoriginal?
by Mister Unoriginal October 16, 2020
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He Is a teacher/Rapist at Piedmont Lakes Middle School that if you do anything slightly wrong he will see you "After Class" Which normally involves him anally Fisting you putting a strap on on with no lube once you see him once you can never go back (Only sees boys "After class" btw)
Kid 1 Whose your 3 period
Kid 2 Mister Clark
Kid 1 Rip you virginity
Kid 2 wait what
by Deafaultino May 3, 2019
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"Mister Clunge" - an old fashioned snooker term
He was playing snooker and missed the pink and got the brown - Mister Clunge mate
by Anthony Sparkes July 2, 2016
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