The act, while showering with your significant other, of laying an overwhelming fart and quickly exiting the shower; leaving your significant other trapped with the terrifying stink.
My wife wouldn't have sex with me in the shower, so I laid a Mississippi Steamboat on her to teach her a lesson.

She wasn't giving it up, so I dropped the old Mississippi Steamboat.
by jcss February 6, 2008
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Sucking a fart of a dude’s asshole whilst jacking him off.
Yo, this bitch tried to give me a Mississippi Trombone, then I sharted.
by Charley’s Dad March 24, 2018
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the act of shiting into ones pee hole durring anal sex and then forcing the shit out like a pushpop.
ass shit dick mississippi pushpop
by big daddy dean September 5, 2011
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The act of placing half of a straw up a man's urethra and the other half up another man's urethra. The pair can then proceed with fluid exchanges in the form of semen or urine.
Mike had just finished his fruity smoothie with Raph. The straw was tempting so they performed a Mississippi pipeline.
by ForMikeD June 17, 2011
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The type of guy who will open doors for you and treat you with great respect. Always likes to have a good time, but likes to chill sometimes as well.
Man 1: What type of dude are you?
Man 2: Just a simple Mississippi Man
by iSnoozie May 25, 2019
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Dirty relative of the Mississippi Meathook the act of controlling the movements of a girlfriend by hooking her in the anus with your finger(s)
I was tickling rocking horse Wendy in bed last night
Did she try to get away?
Yeah she tried but I used my other hand to Mississippi Mudhook her so she wasn't going nowhere.
by Super Russel August 26, 2016
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A 'politically correct' term to describe a given locale's treatment of those of African-American descent. Often times, the term is used by an angry person with an axe to grind against people who they perceive to be 'the oppressors'. It should be noted that not all people of African-American descent need agree with the assessment in order for it to be used. Indeed, just one or two people need use this sensationalist term in the media in order to open old wounds and set race relations in the given locale back by years.
Man, I got passed over for a promotion again! That's proof that this entire city / state / province / town is the Mississippi of the North!

You don't agree with me that this place is the Mississippi of the North? That just proves you're a racist! Hell yeah, I know you're black, that don't matter!
by McMission Definition June 18, 2013
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