A personal Mime. Another way of saying "Your Mom" as a "come back" to a joke or statement.
"Your Mime went to college!"
by Squibby February 10, 2006
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1) an awkward silence or just a really quiet or boring situation

2)a group of mimes

Background: mime partys are generally very quiet because to become a mime one has to under go a vow of silence so of course a party consisting of people who don't talk will be very quiet. it is at these partys that it would be ideal to play a guitar very quietly.
1)"this place sucks. its like a mime party in here"

2) wolves:pack::mimes:party
by The Silent Guitarist April 26, 2009
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when you pump a girl's mouth with so much semen she can't talk and has to act out what she wants to say
she might throw up the semen and therefore getting herself all slimey
when i want my girlfriend to shut her mouth i give her a fucking slime mime
by Turtle April 10, 2006
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The act of vomitting from the window of a moving vehicle while intoxicated or hung over. Such actions typically cause discoloration around the mouth area from the expelled stomach contents, or from the act of wiping the face with soiled hands. The result is a facial smear that resembles the pattern formed around the mouth after french kissing a mime in full makeup.
Pull over or I'm gonna kiss the mime.

Dude, she was so hung over, she kissed the mime all the way home.

Did you see the puke all over his face? That guy kissed the mime hard.
by Teenicide March 24, 2011
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An event which is so painfully awkward that everyone who witnesses it feels the compulsive need to wash their eyes and seek counselling.
"So your girlfriend met your parents last night, how did it go?"
"Awful. My dad spent all dinner looking at her chest, it was a total Mime Protest"
by IAMIMPROVHEARMEROAR September 1, 2012
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The process of miming the use of electronic buttons and pads to give the sense of creating the music for entertainment purposes.
by Tonuke August 22, 2010
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A humorous variation of Paper, Scissors, Stone.
The light sabre beats the crocodile which beats the mime, which beats the LS.
Hand otions are as follows: LS- typical Star Wars, with optional 'vwoom'-vwoom' sounds.
Crocodile: Clap with the hands together at the wrists.
Mime: the 'hands against the piece of glass' pose.

Of course, these follow the P,P,S maraca introduction.
Hey Eric, fancy a game of Lightsabre, Crocodile,Mime?

Yeah, OK.
by Oscar Cheesecake March 7, 2004
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