1.) synonymous with awesome.

2.) a person, place or thing that is awesome.
Wow, that song is so melanie!
by josefina_chica December 24, 2009
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Melanie is usually a very outspoken person who is very well known. She is nice but knows when its time to get serious, is very smart and pretty usually looks bomb 25/8. Has a wonderful personality and has a great sense of style. Most likely has every boy drooling, and every girl hating.
Melanie looked like a whole meal.......PERIOD
by Ml15 October 20, 2018
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1. a girl that is hot, smart, funny, pretty, and generally just amazing to be around!

2. FOXY!

3. The best girlfriend in the whole world.
by footballman92 October 3, 2010
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Melanie's are the best girls you'll meet!Melanie's are usually talented and may be a bit flirty Melanie's can have there corky moments and sad moments but you can resist
by FartBucket.com January 30, 2017
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The prettiest girl in the world. Shes smart, cute and a big ball of happiness. She gets random hyper happiness attacks that makes everybody happy. She can be cute and sexy at the same time and can seem to pull off anything she wears. She thinks shes black but shes not but her bf still loves her. She has the cutest smile ever and this funny but cute mole under her nose. shes an awesome gf too
by kirkyg November 25, 2012
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Is a kid, bot, hates the word babygirl so call her babygirl.
ME: Hi babygirl!

Melanie: Beep boop !
by finkin March 28, 2022
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A Melanie is one of the most talented people you will me she has a great voice and is also decent at sports. She is very popular and everyone wants to be friends with a Melanie. She is sweet and very pretty as all the boys want her Melanie's usually have brown or blonde hair and very pretty eyes. She can be very fun but is a very good listener when something is wrong. Her personality is one of the best personalities u should get
Boy: That melanie is a keeper.
Girl: and one of my closest friends
by ThePinkPinapppl3 May 31, 2019
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