Blatant and obviously listening in to a conversation that you're not involved in, but aren't excluded from either. Used when admitting to listening in.

Similar to eavesdropping, but without the sneaky connotation.
I heard you mention the party so I started to over-listen. Do we need to give anyone a ride?
by jacklg May 15, 2011
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Something you say to a group of people you don't like.
Listen up, shit-heads! Republican Nazi will grill your asses five times over with a grill and a spatula.
by Republican Nazi September 7, 2003
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A person who gets turned on by stomach growls
Stephanie: Im hungry...I feel like my belly is going to rumble

Carl: Can I listen?

Stephanie: Yeah sure.

Carl: *puts ear on Stephanie's belly*

Stephanie's Belly: *RUUUUMBLE!*

Carl: Wanna go to Mcdonalds?

Stephanie: Sure thing!

Carl: Can I listen to you eat?

Stephanie: Are you a belly listener?

Carl: Indeed I am
by Werido fred May 9, 2011
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Rather than movie WATCHING, movie listening occurs when two people have become distracted by each other during the movie and start making out, leaving them only the ability to hear the movie instead of see it.
guy 1: so was the movie you watched with that girl any good?
guy 2: I don't know, it was more of a movie listening deal, we only got to watch like 20 minutes of it.
guy 1: scoooooooooooooooooooore.
by movielistener November 11, 2010
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Look. I know there are crooked cops out there. There is always going to be bad cops out there, as there is with anything. I'm not denying African Americans are being shot, sometimes for no reason. As with anything, there is always going to be a bad thing to a good thing, that's just how it is and will always be. With that being said, you need to listen to the police. A large problem with society today and why a large majority of African Americans are being shot is because they are not listening to the police. The job of police is to protect and serve. If an officer tells you to do something, you do it. Doesn't matter the reason, you do as your told. Don't argue or disagree with them about doing nothing wrong because that will only cause for trouble. If it turns out they're in the wrong, sue them later. It bad enough they are provoked, don't add gas to the flame by doing something that causes them to react in a way where someone ends up injured or even dead. Just listen to the police for god sake!
Officer: Sir back up!

Person: Ok officer.

Officer: Put your hands behind your back please.

Person: Right away officer.

*In the off chance of this happening*
Officer: Sir you can't protest here.

Person: Why not?

Officer: Private Property. (even though its public)

Person: Ok Officer I'll leave (sue them later if you want)

Person: I'm glad I listen to the police instead of acting like a child arguing.
by thehappycaucasian September 16, 2020
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A term used when someone tells you to listen to them, and you object, cutting them off mid sentence with this obnoxious phrase. Normally the person who is interrupted will be confused and stunned, giving the other person a chance to rebuttal and embarrass them.
Dan: "Okay, that's enough, Listen-"

William: "LISTEN WOOL, baby, we like to fook. Fook all the time"

Dan: "No I-"

William: "We fook all the time baby!"
by LocAsian November 2, 2011
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when a person doesnt listen well, for instance your telling a story and you can tell when the listener is fading from the convo...he or she may look glazed over or just respond wit 'mmm-hmm'
hey man are you even paying attention to me? you are mad light on listening.
by jay7777 March 5, 2009
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