A beautiful girl that is hot and has big boobs has a boy friend named dylan he is lucky to have him he has a big dick
by hot girl karlie November 16, 2017
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Breaks up with you because you're "moving too fast" after giving her a hug
Damn Zach, Karly really broke up with you over a hug?
Yeah, she's a ranD
by DarthEwok07 August 17, 2018
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Karly is a beautiful and pretty young lady that has green eyes and gorgeous hair. Karly has the best relationships because she actually cares. Karly has only one loyal friend that may spill tea at times but she is willing to forgive. Karly is insecure about herself but thats what makes her partner love her more than anything else. Karly is a good friend to have because she is super chill but also cares what people are saying about her friends. -love you bbg
Karly a friend that loves more than anyone else
by Catelynn October 23, 2018
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❤An amazing friend. Who loves Chris who is weird. She is a great human being!!❤
Karly is the coolest person I've every met
by Marmare vlogs April 21, 2018
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A girl, usually blonde, with a flat chest but a very large butt, that she enjoys showing off, often called a "ghetto booty". She has teeth that are very straight, but are very yellow. She talks in severe mono-tone and almost never shows any emotion. People around her usually feel very uncomfortable when having a conversation with her. She is extremely atheist, and is inconsiderate about other people's feelings about religion. She thinks she is very hot but people who know her tend to disagree. She also has a terrible sense of style that most people deem "cheep" and "unclassy." Over-all she is someone who tries to be a total attention whore, but nobody gives a shit.
1: "Oh my goodness, who is that girl wearing ugly ass sweatpants and a sweat shirt?!?!"
2:"Good god...Thats a definite Karli."

1: "Yeah, My boyfriend saw this one girl with a huge ass, and he whistled at her, and when she turned around... he saw what she looked like...he projectile vomited all over my face..."
2: "Damn...That must be one ugly ass Karli."
by KoolManLady January 22, 2011
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She is a beautiful and charming girl. She is super nice but mean if she has to be. Karly is a best friend that everyone wishes they had! She has beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair. Karly may not have a lot of friends but she has the ones that truly count! She may not have great taste in boys/men but will give tons of advice if needed.
That girl is a such a karly.

I wish I was a karly
by Oahu’s April 14, 2018
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Karliness is a lifestyle for anyone who eats a lot, take pictures of food, listen to a lot of indie music and watches porn when alone. If you do all of this then you are a Karline.
Boy:Babe, you are such a Karliness, i saw you watching porn yesterday when i was out your window.

Girl:I was looking for new indie music to listen to!!
by Karlyx3 August 30, 2009
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