Someone who puts people in Google+ circles with unflattering names
Chad, that circle jerk, put me in his "douche juice" circle
by CarMono July 7, 2011
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you could have 3 cases here
either your gay and its for the pleasure- and every guy gets together for a fun filled night of mutal masturbation

your drunk off your ass- looking at porn after a hard night and theres about 5 guys

or your 11 years old and you dont know the meaning of masturbation so you experiment with your friends
GAY MAN:oH my god like theres a circle jerk tonight like NO WAYY?

drunk man: ha ha dude.......... im so fuckingg.....ha hornyy right now... porn im gonna look at some.

11 year old: oh my goodness i heard tommy that big 11th grader talking about cum and jerking off? should we try?
by Taylor Lewis May 19, 2005
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A circle in which filled with lame/uninteresting people, bitches or people that you dislike, or some sort of disagreement; philosophy, idealistic ways, knowledge etc. And or a circle devoid of and interesting subject, Or a combination of the two
Lets get out of this circle jerk, Its getting lame
by DixieH13 November 20, 2010
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Someone who accelerates when entering a traffic circle to cut off other drivers travelling at normal speeds.
As grandma rolled into the roundabout, she had to slam the brakes to avoid hitting a circle jerk in a yellow BMW.
by Eric Maan September 3, 2009
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Someone who is being a genuine douchebag on Google+. They can either be making a bunch of really stupid updates, making rude comments on your posts, or +1ing updates about your grandmother dying.
Person 1: Dude, can you believe what Mark posted on Google+ last night?
Person 2: Nah dude, he was being such a Circle Jerk.

Person 1: I posted, "RIP Love you grandma," on my Google+ last night and Mark +1'd it.
Person 2: He thinks he's so funny, but really he's just a Circle Jerk.
by sillyrob July 12, 2011
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A circle jerk is the abrupt, jerking stop after pulling the handbrake while doing doughnuts in a car.
by moonlight rose May 11, 2015
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When Males sit in a circle and jack off and they all ejaculate on a piece of bread in the middle and last one to ejaculate has to eat the bread.
Brett lost the circle jerk on purpose to eat the bread.
by Tyler Spillane May 2, 2005
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