Otherwise known as a nice pussy!
"Well would you look at the pink on her?"
by Derk Man December 12, 2007
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(adj.) - possessing homosexual qualities and/or tendencies, gay-like, faggot-like

You pink ass nigga, why you blowin kisses at me?!?!
by D Dot Spitz April 17, 2006
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Mythical in origin, no one really know what it is, the only knowledge we have of this is through Martins Dream.

Anyone with information on the infamous "pink" please come forward and share your knowledge, please...
{Martin} - "My hand, now around your pink"
by HmmmFake June 9, 2020
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To be have rough anal intercourse with another man with lots of hitting and slapping but no loving gestures. The preson being pinked usually ends up eating the santorum.
Roger would've enjoyed being pinked a if bubba wasn't so rough
by Jeff Killeen December 21, 2004
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pink when i turn out the lights
pink oh its red but not quiet
and so on
by Karanandos Meneski December 2, 2004
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(adj.) - possessing homosexual qualities and/or tendencies, gay-like, faggot-like
You pink nigga! Blowin kisses at a man aint cool.
by D Dot Spitz April 30, 2006
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The best damn mother-fucking colour in the world!
Why is pink considered non-masculine? Anyone who doesn't like pink is a Justin Timberlake fraggot.
by Hung Lo February 6, 2005
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