A response to bon mots or witticisms, not deemed worthy of a full-blown class!
by Stan Grytviken April 1, 2003
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A laugh that is usually linked to skeleton characters thanks to most people's interpretations of skeletons having a nasally, high energy and wacky voice, this phrase is most commonly associated with characters such as Skeletor from He-Man, and Papyrus from Undertale.
Person 1: NYEH HEH HEH!
Person 2: Good Papyrus impression!
Person 1: That was a Skeletor impression, you uncultured swine!
by PolyPixl09 December 28, 2021
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A single syllabled word which can mean 'yes' or 'no' or can be used to avoid answering an awkward question. Can be used in conjunction with 'yes' or 'no', or other, to add clarity to the answer you are giving.
Another possible variation is 'heeeeeeh!', simply an elongated version of the original word. This is best used without a conjuctive 'yes' or 'no' and is implemented to shrug off an awkward question, whilst walking away from the person to create absolute ambiguity regarding your answer.
1) "Hey Jeff, can you cover my shift tomorrow night? im heading out with Sally to watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
"Heh! I think i won't!"
2) "Hey! Did you pay for that packet of button Mushrooms??"
by wordblacksmith November 3, 2010
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Used after saying something to which you don't know what the reaction will be, usually used to purposely show some sort of pity (existant or not) by displaying insecurity in the audience. Also used when giving bad news in order to lessen cases of "attacking the messanger"
"Hey baby...the condom broke...heh"
"I need to borrow 70 billion dollars for Iraq...heh heh heh"
by Dario teh Lion! February 14, 2005
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Teacher: "Could ANYONE do the homework?"
Jamie: *raises hand" Um yes. It is a light emitting object that travels at a constant speed in a given direction due to the force of Gravity, squared.
Classmate one: "OH MY HEH!"
Classmate two: "WOW SUCH HEH"
Classmate three: "YOU ABSOLUTE HEH!"
The rest of the class: "HEHHHHHHH"
by Hehbuster November 28, 2013
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Refers to when Chloe and Callum do something dubious
Chloe:another fine prank chap
Callum:nye heh heh indeed very excellent
by Chloe&Callum productions April 18, 2021
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