7th graders are in a world of their own. Their hormones are finally kicking in they don't know what to do with them. They spend endless hours texting messages that could have been said in one simple phone call. They DATE someone for a week and are devasted when they break up. They rarely bathe unless reminded, wear the same hoodie for the whole school year, do not feel the need to bring a pencil to class EVERYDAY!They try every way to wear their pants except the correct way...sagging, skinny....They are always enthralled in some type of drama especially the girls. Boys don't know that they stink enough after gym class that they need deodorant and the girls use their periods to go to the bathroom way more than they should. They know way more about sex and drugs than I did in the 80's! Its an interesting breed yet I wouldnt teach any other age group.
example: 7th graders are like aliens
by leximom15 December 20, 2011
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10 year old virgins who fucking love fortnite to death and say boi to everything ever
me: uses app on phone
5th grader: boi
by fastcow August 20, 2018
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Really nice, sweet, funny, scary, interesting, people who can't get off of Urban Dictionary. They also tend to be really smart and good dancers and musicians.
I'm going to miss the 7th graders.
by Kimikiwiz June 19, 2011
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Someone who probably plays fortnite has an xbot and has searched up "naked grills" and never shuts up.
Zack:bruh that kid never shut up

Joe: wow what a 4th grader
by Theepicbruh October 17, 2019
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A student of the 7th grade. They are students after 6th grade and before 8th grade. 7th graders think they're much more mature then they were in 6th grade, and think they're more mature then any other grade. 7th graders think they're better than 8th graders and everyone older then them, but are actually not. Try to follow into the steps of immature 8th grader, only then crashing down in High School.
8th grader: That little 7th grader annoys the shit out of me!
by Jzjzjzjzjz May 30, 2008
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Of all three grades in middle schools, 6th graders have to be the best. Some might think they're immature and full of themselves, but they have to understand that they were like that at one point or another. They are new to middle school, so of course they'll be a little crazy. They are also usually, on average, beginning to journey from boy to man, girl to woman. They have it hard enough as it is, without the seventh graders walking and talking as if they are superior to them just because they are no longer in the sixth grade, and that they have "expierence", and the eighth graders who should be minding their own little business, instead of telling sixth and seventh graders how cool and grown up they are in between kisses with some random guy/girl.

But sixth graders still have their childlike innocence, even if they are cracking jokes about genatilia. The upperclassman just ruin the fun for them.
The eighth grade girl carefully applied her mascara in the mirror, looking to make sure her peers didn't pass by. They were all convinced her eyelashes were natural.

She turned and noticed a little 6th grader girl, about a foot shorter than her, donning clothes that were simular to hers. But for little kids.

She laughed inside, mocking the girl's wanna-be looks in her head, until she noticed her very long lashes. They were like feather dusters. They were thick and dark, too, better than any mascara could provide.

She screamed, out loud. She hurled her inky mascara bottle at the poor girl, and it splattered all over her face. She gasped and took a step back, looked at the eighth grade girl in horror, than ran, as fast as she could, to the nearest water fountain. The girl only watched, feeling both anger and regret. She picked up her mascara, then threw it in the trash.
by Jinx and Coolsoul, AJ n Machet December 4, 2010
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12 graders are savage but all they really care about is sex and drugs.but even though they are cool the next year they will be struggling to find a damn job poor them🖕🏼
Wow you are turning to suck a 12th grader
by Your dear nigga March 7, 2017
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