In cantonese, this word mean to hit someone's lung. Usaully follow up by suck lay gow wei or other curse like diu or mixed up with other curse like pok guy.
1.Oh~~~ ding{hit} lay{you} gow{someone's} pok guy fei{lung}!!!
by IvD May 8, 2005
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a slang way of saying "easy come, easy go". made up by me! (I think...)
i made this up because people have ben sending me a buncha udwurdofthuday shit. so, ez cum ez gow...
by smackmybitchup June 5, 2007
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A literal fucking bean, works for Heinz and masterbates with the empty tin cans in which he fills with semen and excrement, leading on to the fact they usually have a dog in which they feed bean sauce semen.
''Hey look theres ben gow ''

person: ''aww I heard he hordes bean tins and sells them on the dark net with semen''
by creatine 4 africans October 10, 2018
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A general term to describe any object.
I keep tripping over that little hoochie-gow over there.
by Lindsey September 15, 2006
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Epic gamer dAbaby Minecraft MLG use this word. How is way that gmers say cow like madlad. How type phene keyboard broken?????¿?
Look at that silly gow! He so silly. =)
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a complete moron who’s personality is gym. oh wait he doesn’t even do that anymore. just a moron then.

99% of the time they have bent noses and can be found in parks with 16yr olds.
did u go gym yday?

nah feeling like a gows today
by kunjamanny November 23, 2021
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To be hyped or hype
Wow, hev predicted XRP is going to go to the moon and he was right! GOW GOW GOW!
by Eggboy284 November 23, 2021
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