A sensation in which a person is at the point of inebriation under any substance in which the body is asleep, but the mind is fully awake.

A person that seems to be asleep, but is mentally fully aware of their surroundings.
Lucas: Dude, you were so high last night you fell asleep.
Pardoo: No I didn't, I was just gooped.
by Captain Shabby October 5, 2014
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When a situation is shocking and you are left speechless.


If a situation situation is nasty and you were left disgusted.
Did you hear what Thomas said. I was gooped and gagged.
by Esquared August 17, 2020
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When you are at a level of high that you begin to phase in and out of reality
Yo deadass Lucas was off the goop from that granddaddy purp Larry OG last night bruh
by ESCOyadigg April 18, 2019
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The semenal fluid that discharges from a man's penis after coital activity.
The man cried "Corpus Christi!!" as he spewed his man goop all over her awaiting bosom.
by Ace Freisen January 31, 2006
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That nigga Tom yesterday told me to wash HIS dishes after HE INVITED me to dinner, that dude was off the goop.
by TheBroDude June 17, 2016
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When someone is acting particularly crazy, or under the influence of drugs.
Nick: "(insert something stupid)"
Dane: 'My baby daddy is acting wild today"
Jake: "Yeah, he's really off the goop"
by jakethesnake42069 March 27, 2019
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Noun. A female Halloween partygoer who adorns herself with a plentiful helpin o' baby gravy (sperm) on her face and proceeds to parade around the party spooking others.
Dude 1 (Dracula costume) -"have you seen Denise tonight? She indicated she would be in a funny costume"

Dude 2 (Sponge Bob costume) - "she is right over there, sporting that goop goblin costume"

Dude 1 (Dracula) - "funny???....I believe it to be a bit more trifling!"
by cornfritter October 15, 2010
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