A sorority who's members are the epitome of the perfect girls. They are down to earth, sweet, pretty, friendy, fun, stylish, classy, love to have fun, outgoing, and involved. They love to party and have a good time, but they also are very involved in the Greek community and events. Every sorority should try to be more like Delta Gamma.
Frat guy: I wish my frat could mix with those Delta Gamma girls. They seem like so much fun to be with and they are so pretty.
Soro girl: yeah, they are all super cute and energetic.
by lax guy May 20, 2006
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The sorority with the hottest girls on campus. Every rushee strives to be a DG. They set the standards of what a girl should be. The most down to earth, classy, fun, sexy girls around. Every guy wants to date and ever girl wishes they were. They like to drink and have fun yet still maintain one of the highest gpa average. Other sororities try to lead by Delta Gamma's examples and yet they fail. They're one of the biggest sorority in the nation. If you watch the special on the E! channel about Reese Witherspoon and they talk about Legally Blonde, the director said he based Delta Nu off of Delta Gamma. Suck that other sororities. None of you have a movie based off of you.
"Wham Bam, Hot Damn. We're the girls of Delta Gam!"

Q: "What the best sorority out there?"
A: "Delta Gamma of course."
by sfieororor May 24, 2008
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The hottest girls on University of North Dakota's campus! Every guy wants to get with a DG, but only the lucky get to associate with these classy ladies. DGs are known for the way they can handle their booze and keep their classy standards intact. Every guy wants a DG, and every girl wants to BE a DG. But only the classiest and sexiest girls get the privlege of living in the beautiful house with the golden anchor in the front yard.
Every Guy: Damn that chick is so fly!
Another Guy: Well of course she is, she's a Delta Gamma!
by FightingForTheSioux September 13, 2008
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the hottest classiest girls on every college campus you can think of (maryland, salisbury, pennstate, ucsb,vt,wvu...) we're the biggest national sorority; even have a movie based off of our hottness. if you haven't met us you dont know whats up
Don't you wanna be a dg too?
by hannahdoll April 24, 2005
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dgs are always the hottest sorority on every campus. hot chicks that every guy would love to fuck.
there goes the dgs, i would give anything to get me a piece of that
by fratboy June 6, 2004
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A sorority known for its strength in sisterhood at Univ. of California, Riverside.
"Hot damn, Delta Gamm!" a phrase often used to describe our women.
by V June 2, 2004
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Not being able to keep down lunch while on a rollercoaster, causing delays on the ride and irritating the numerous people waiting in line
We will be on a slight delay while we clean up the gamma spill some douche canoe left on the rollercoaster
by Patrick_Potter August 8, 2010
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