A book dedicated as a guide for all criminal activity. Things how to make drugs, how to steal, how to card online, how to print money, and much more. Can be found on the deep web for prices from free to a hundred dollars
1. I just bought the fraud bible online for only 20 bucks. What a great price!
2. The fraud bible taught me how to steal a car.
by Hurricane474 April 18, 2020
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A fraud market is a state of being royally fucked in the ass by the market.

Stock Market where retail investors true intentions to compound money from their savings instead it’s worse than a casino; and more addicting than a drug. Market makers will guarantee to take every crumb off your plate.. leave you broke and even homeless but you can’t stop gambling. News, media, and fake-out candles will make your positions look promising and market makers will make sure they make your option-contracts theta decay; move swiftly and inverse of your position.. better yet worthless. You will get fucked in the ass by this market.
MARK: /ES is gonna break 324 support; I’m gonna buy 315 puts.
JAKE: Me too! I’m going all in on my Robinhood account

Next day: Spy opens up 350

MARK: Okay Im gonna buy 360 calls instead.
JAKE: Yeah stonks always goes up

Next day: Market drops 340

Mark dumps his worthless calls the next day; as the market is dropping.. he panic sells and buys puts.. and it rallies hard eod. He's been fucked by the fraud market.
by MARKYMARK247 December 1, 2020
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The act of a man meeting girls on the internet and sending them photoshopped or otherwise altered pictures of their erect cock to impress the girl and make her want it.
Chris wanted to hook up with this girl so bad, he sent her a photoshopped picture of his cock but when he met the girl she laughed at him and said "Dude, you just committed Cock Fraud!"
by Yateball April 3, 2010
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simply put: faking something!
real old skool hip-hop language :)
while you were over here perpetratin' the fraud
i was overseas on the charts with boy george
you're the beginner
shante's the winner
by rich rick July 27, 2007
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Swine Fraud (n.)- someone who chooses to fake flu illnesses so that they can remain at home to avoid work or classes.
Person 1: I feel awful. I heard Maria might have the swine so the boss made her stay home.
Person 2: No, she just didn't want to come in this week.
Person 1: She's such a swine fraud.
by theSwineFraud October 26, 2009
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1 A yoshi 2 not doing your taxes 3
1that tax fraud’s looks 2my mom committed tax fraud
by Yoshi commits tax fraud February 25, 2019
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A term used to label a male who frequently and shamelessly engages in fraudulent practices. These fraudulent practices are commonly labelled ‘banging squares’, ‘AC Money’, or ‘deets’. These three terms are all used in relation to credit card fraud.
The term ‘Fraud Boy’ originates from the UK, and could be said to be synonymous with the term ‘Roadman’.
Fred: You wanna make quick cash Bob?
Bob: Yeah obvs.
Fred: Calm, give me your credit card and you’ll have 4 grand on it by next week.
Bob: Okay *hands over credit card* But who are you?
Fred: I’m a Fraud Boy *dramatic pause* *rides off into sunset*
by De'Fine December 9, 2017
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