past tense verb/adjective meaning a state of extreme combuffleness or being dissorientated.
he was compleatly discombobulated.
by sebastienbufflenesss November 8, 2008
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To dissmember or destroy something in quite a messy way.
"Dude, i just totally discombobulated that alien on my computer!!!"
by YOUR WORST ENEMY!!!! March 14, 2004
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Significantly to extremely drunk and therefore alcohol impaired. Naturally this is the sign of a smashing good time.
Hey Ted, let's find a bar and get totally discombobulated.

Man, I got so discombobulated at the party last night. Good thing I had a designated driver.
by ViciousBadger August 15, 2010
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adjective - have been re-arranged according to combobular's theorem (everything is reversed front to back, then replaced with sonething totally different)
the sky was afflicted with discombobulation; it was reversed from blue to eulb then to seven in the blink of an eye
by jebus crites November 30, 2003
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When you do something to something but your not sure what it is
I Discombobulated this Tomato (This is in refrence to cutting but you dont know to use the word cutting
by Tom Elson September 9, 2003
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Jessica: the answer is easy. 20x40 + 6558 divided by the numerator to the general contraction of seven plus 1
Rihanna: Slow down you will discombobulate me.
by JJ Taylor Lautner is a hottie December 4, 2014
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