bp also stands for Barack Petroleum. Used to describe British Petroleum, because of its cozy relationship with Barack Obama aka Michelle's husband, especially during the time of the disasterous Gulf Of Mexico oil spill in 2010.
Among the multinational corporations that contributed large sums of money to Obama's presidential campaign in 2008 was bp (British Petroleum). So during the disasterous oil spill crisis of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, people were wondering if President Obama was sheltering bp from governmental retribution for reasons of political patronage.
by idleworshipper June 16, 2010
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bowl or bong pack (meaning glass water pipes) - filled to the brim preferably with good bud (meaning potent marijuana)
dude do you want to go hit a bp of this purple urple?
by TheGravyTrain October 9, 2010
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"You're a fugly ass slut, have him!"

"BP I dont want your man!"
by Littleeddyy January 2, 2010
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BP- is short for Black People
Guy1. BP is a huge problem.
Guy2. Yea I know all the oil in the Gulf is terrible.
Guy1. No Black People have been causing a rukus outside my house.
Guy2. Oh Word.
by WAC ZOOBERRY July 5, 2010
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abreviation for a bowl pack of marijuana
i'll give you a bp if you just chill for a minute
by kevin burzynski March 15, 2008
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