Beacon Lighting is quite simply a lighting shop, that seems to shit all over their so called competition 'Lighting Illusions'.
Husband: Hey honey, want to go get some lights at Lighting Illusions?

Wife: Get fucked, lets go to Beacon Lighting.
by Vagician69 April 10, 2018
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a white man with a bald head. Also, opposite of 8-ball.
Whenever Carl arrives into the lighted room, his runway beacon always glows.
by velvy March 18, 2007
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pimp lookin... tight... chill... gangsta.... tha shit
oh! blue beacon look that!....
by rikesh November 7, 2005
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When I was a kid I used to catch beacon beetles and put them in a jar."
by ExtraFine August 9, 2004
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A very tiny little town. There is a mixture of truck driving fuckboys and good people. There is at least 400 volunteer fireman. With only 1 gas station in town they mark up everything 73%.

Most bros here are fake urban cowboys who have never even fucked their cousin let alone road a horse.

All in all being that it's such a small town you know that inbreeding is almost impossible to avoid. Give it 100 years or so and this entire town will become filled with melon heads.
Fuck no im not getting gas here it's beacon falls, ct prices.
by KennyMagna January 7, 2016
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When playing Left 4 Dead you are the last person alive in campaign or Versus, and its your job to either revive the rest of the team up or make it to the safe room.
Go guy make it to the safe room you're our beacon of hope!
by doctor lollypop January 19, 2011
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School of crazy hipster, vegans and trumpet playin scarce. If you are lucky you can find the rare giraffe kid or the plum man. 98% percentage of female students are still in 2008 and go by the phrase "RAWR XD".
Friend 1:Woa wanna go back to 2008?
Friend 2: Tots mcgoats brother!
Friend 1: let's stroll over to Beacon High School with are heelies
by Meat Master 69 May 17, 2017
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