Shut up you're being such a baby back bitch. Someone who whines and cries about everything. Claims oppression and supports pedophilia
by BerryMode September 1, 2020
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What you call your brother when he complains about something pathetic and he ends up crying from you calling him a "bitch baby"
Rin: god, i fucking hate haru, but he's so hot, but god i fucking hate him...
Kou: Your such a fucking bitch baby
Rin: *cries* i'm not a bitch baby!
by Claudeishawt101 November 14, 2017
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a. (Noun) An exclamation used when something happens, or in place of an exclamation point.

b. (Noun) A term used to describe something or someone that is mildly annoying

Note: It must be used in situations considered mild. Extreme situations require stronger exclamations, such as "fuck".
1. (Waiting for netflix to finish loading) Let's go, bitch baby!
2. (Waiting for a pedestrian to cross the road) Move it, bitch baby!
3. (When you can't open a jar of pickles) Come on, bitch baby!
by chiffon7333 June 17, 2021
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When some one is being a total Jarom.
Just fucking go home you baby back bitch, no one likes your constant whining.
by Ermatron March 18, 2015
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1. Anyone who whines or is otherwise stupid.
2. Someone who is a total bitch, but is too young to understand that word thus, turns into a baby back bitch
1.Eric M:Emma!!! hello!!! your sorting cards? *tosses cards*
Eric M: I'd like to see you try you little.......... IM GUNNA HIT YOU WITH A CLUB
by Emma D. January 27, 2008
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a small bitch whos annoying as hell and has skuliosis
bri shut yo baby back bitch ass up fo i break yo back in place.
by keishaTheLlama November 8, 2018
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A pussy, tryin to be tough guy, low self-esteem, common names are junior or ozwaldo
"Junior is a baby back bitch"
by mikey chitwood July 21, 2015
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