A lovely and smogy little place off of the 210 fwy. Known for it's awesome water park, Raging Waters.

and for those movie people... Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.
They are from San Dimas.
Girl: "Oh! Your from San Dimas?! Like Bill & Ted?!"
You: *Lets out an annoyed sigh* "Yesss..."
by Cookiecucco June 22, 2008
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A: Is Dima gay?
B: He's gayer than Josh at least.
by Dareo October 10, 2018
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Below average Canadian chess specimen, with a current handicap of 888. Chris Dimas currently has a moderate to above average kill count with majority of the victims coming from tinder or bumble. Voted best boy in the world by his mother, Chris Dimas has achieved everything he has set his mind to except the kill on Rachel Martin.
Hey, look! It's Chris Dimas that cum dumpster! Open up Chris!

Hey, isn't that the beetlejuice guy?
by Chris Dimas March 25, 2019
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verb; to Dima-fy

To make Crazy-Russian-like, derived from the crack-filled blog of Crazy Russian tennis player Dmitry Tursunov.

A normal person is usually Dima-fied by reading the blog of Dmitry Tursunov, known by most as 'Dima'. A Dima-fied person often shows obvious signs of Dima-ness, symptomized especially by an overuse of exclamation marks.

Example of Dima-ness:
"So I went to the supermarket and bought some water and some cherry juice! Why you ask?! Because I like cherry juice!!!"
"You seem very Dima-fied today!"

"Dima's blog will Dima-fy people."
by CherryJuice!!! August 31, 2006
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A flat girl who can call the Internet cops cause she is a slut
"Omg thats dima the interpole girl"
by Unicorn134569 August 18, 2017
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