To fuck so intense it literially mashes a girl's uterus
Bro lets go out to the club tonight and find some girls to just mash uterus.
(makes clapping sound with hands)
by TheGrimace31 January 1, 2009
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It is the equivalent to a male boner but is used to refer to a female having a bonar. For slang it is referred to as having a FU.
I saw this super cute boy and I have a huge flaring uterus right now.
by AmyandKim April 6, 2011
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An internet uterus is the show of how much the internet cares about you, when the internet stops caring, your uterus has dried up.
Man, even Facebook has given up on showing me ads, my internet uterus must have dried up.
by awsomocop February 10, 2017
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When you are using a vibrater and it has a malfunction and shocks your uterus
When I was using my vibrater last night I totally got a electric uterus
by Classy defs September 26, 2016
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When you see a girl, but are only interested in sex, they become tits and a uterus, being the only important parts
"Hey andrew, see that hot chick over there"
"No i only see tits and uterus"
by Wog_boy November 19, 2007
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A condition which occurs during the time of a female's period; characterized by frequent yelling and Tylenol usage
OMG! I have such a fire uterus, give me some Tylenol!!!!
by Lutheran Pirate December 5, 2005
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When an over-sized fat woman is wearing pants or shorts and you can visibly see a bulge of fat that hangs off her body in the uterine area.
Check out that ladies uterus bulge, that thing is sick!
by Livin235ov April 29, 2010
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