The act of collecting up your positive lateral flow tests and storing them as nostalgiac reminder of past conquests.
It's a shame I missed that delta but by the end of next year my Wuhan Wine Rack will need extending.
by Shiptalker January 15, 2022
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Virus from Wuhan Chinia, that it takes every roll of toilet paper availiable to fight against.
Due to Wuhan-Kung-Flu, stores are out of toilet paper across the country.
by Korky482fletch March 18, 2020
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A healthier alternative to handshakes and other forms greetings during times of sickness, involving the striking of the medial sides of the right feet of both participants followed by the successive striking of the lateral sides of the same feet.
Name refers to the source of the coronavirus pandemic, during which the term was conceived.
To stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic, Henry and Albert opted to greet each other with the Wuhan Wiggle.
by AGuoGuo March 11, 2020
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Wuhan Flu Weebs, or WFW, are anime fans that doesn't accept the theory that Covid 19 originated from China.
John is a Wuhan flu weeb that cries every time we call Covid 19 the Wuhan flu.
by MisterMaximvs September 10, 2020
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A sex act where 10 plus people gather in a small room (not practicing social distancing) and while having an orgy they each sneeze releasing infection and disease in the air.
Person #1: what happened you look under the weather

Person #2: it’s probably because me and my girlfriend went to a Wuhan Gas Chamber the other night.
Person #1: I’ve always wanted to try one of those!
by BerryMcCokciner42069 May 9, 2020
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Adjective; To describe something, typically a person or activity, that is being extra or acting or displaying actions of extreme craziness.
"Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin are both Wuhan-Bat Shit Crazy."

"Most Floridians are beyond Wuhan-Bat Shit Crazy."
by Locolito321$ April 11, 2020
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