A word used to define posers, or wanna be's. For example, someone who thinks anti-prep means not being confined to one corporate clothing line. (WTF????) Someone who does not realize that they are actually a prep. Believed to have been originated in the song "Perp Itna", by Straight Edge.
Girl 1: I love The Misfits!!
Girl 2: Do you know any of their songs?
Girl 1: uh....
Girl 2: What a perp itna
by The_Straight-Edge_Donkey June 26, 2011
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A rugged flashlight with the dimensions of a billy club, especially a model carried by the police.
"I'm mall night security; all I get to carry is a perp-beater and a radio!"
by Bezzle December 18, 2014
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A complete asshole with no life. Bitches around on the Internet and sucks people's cock. Also known to be a paedophile.
I saw PerP|ExED sucking his own cock just now.
by n3phi|im` June 16, 2004
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The senseless shit talking that occurs after you put someone in handcuffs. It usually involves phrases pertaining to hating the police and cops as well as threats about what the individual would do if they were not restrained by handcuffs. the general theme of perp talk is anger or aggression towards law enforcement officers.
One cop to another: You should have heard the perp talk from the one i locked up the other night for assualt. She talked mad shit while in the back seat of the cruiser and even tried to spit at me.
by Jewbuses December 5, 2009
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Noun, ohgish, slang; term for male genitalia.
Put the Perp Terb in the pickle jerr
by Joey Napalm January 21, 2008
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Kelley was perpatrating. perping when she silently devised a plan to prank her friend.
by cuesta87 October 25, 2013
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Slang term to discribe a skirt of which a "perp"/"perv"/"petofile" attempts or would like to attempt to take pictures underneath.
Check out that girl's perp skirt!!
by hellahawtshawty1992 May 16, 2011
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