a word that came out of the arabic language in sicily.mostly consisting in america of half and quater sicilians at the time who were in the mafia. same thing with the famous people who are " sicilian" most of them are half or quarter.
jonny: haha ure name sounds italian!
billyio:yes its a rare name from italy x o xo
johnny:are u in the mafia
billyio:no no im from tuscany i leave that for sicilia......im not ignorant :
jonny: hay!!!
by nnininiaa September 1, 2006
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adverb/ To employ the use of contacts, usually who are able to bend rules or pull strings.
A: You need to find a job
B: I don't even know how, I'm gonna have to look mafia
A: Yeah, do mafia
by the)comedians June 8, 2014
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The Mafia or Cosa Nostra meaning "our thing" was originally a criminal gang that originated in Sicily until around WWII when the fascist government tried to wipe them out. Most of the members went incognito during the war or fled to America where they created what is today known generically as the "mafia" although technically this is just a genericised term but the true name would simply be "la cosa nostra americana".
Even though John Gotti was in the mafia and probably killed and or beat the shit out of 100's of people for some reason I still liked the guy.
by saharadryhumor February 21, 2015
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An arrogant attitude adopted by loud mouth Italians. Someone who annoys other people by speaking in threats while using hand gestures.
Yo Gina, knock it off already, it's late and I'm trying to get some sleep! Mingia!!
by Cholo November 27, 2003
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An invention of the media, used to sully the name of Italian Americans by portraying them as criminals, while drawing attention from the dirty Micks who were the real criminals.
There is no Mafia, it’s just a vicious propaganda, that the press uses as a smear campaign to badmouth Italians.
by Skinny Clemenza May 3, 2008
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LOL 'to kill in the french style'

Dont you mean to klill in italian style?
by Anonymous August 14, 2003
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1)A secret terrorist organization in Sicily, operating since the early 19th century in opposition to legal authority.
2)A secret criminal organization of Italian origin operating in the United States and engaged in illegal activities such as gambling, drug-dealing, and prostitution.
3)Any of various similar criminal organizations, especially when dominated by members of the same nationality.
4)often mafia Informal. A tightly knit group of trusted associates, as of a political leader: “ He is one of the personal mafia that the chancellor brought with him to Bonn” (Christian Science Monitor).

by K8lyn Gentry July 3, 2006
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