Appears shy or quiet at first, yet with reflection it becomes obvious that she simply has a quiet brand of confidence which rejects all arrogance.
Can be funny, sexy, impulsive; she changes herself on whim. Most likely to discuss the state of international affairs one minute, then go bungee jumping, quickly finish her work and chores before finishing with a night with a party you will never forget.
She is a walking contradiction. If you find her, keep her. She's the one.
"I really need someone to do a charity sky-dive with me!"
"They'd have to be a real Nicky Johnston to do that!"

"It's not you, it's me. I'm just not your Nicky Johnston."
by yours... February 6, 2010
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A big fagot that always thinks that he is better than every body
by Adeptbubbles539 November 29, 2018
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Tiktok king, he thrives to be better then anyone looking loves Chris Brown. Don’t really know why but he does, he’s literally a goat. A pure king 👑. He’s pretty hot to so the girls can’t complain but he doesn’t like receiving nudes out of the bloom. Jeremy Johnston is literally GOD. Everyone should follow his tiktok @Jeremy.j16 I heard THATS also his instagram.
Jeremy Johnston is a term you use when your thriving, doing really well at something, also if you have good looks. If your just pure god which Jeremy Johnston is which technically you ain’t because Jeremy Johnston is god
by Chrisbrownlover69 July 15, 2020
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When the pipe major or conductor of a band approaches the bartender and proceeds to ask them to plant a shite on thier chest and slap it causeing it to disperse across a large area.
Finlay "i'd totally let you shit on ma chest"
Cameron "as long as it is a johnstone landmine"
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Molly Johnston is a charming girl with gorgeous brown hair. She's rather friendly and has amazing ict skills. She loves bands and every man should have a Molly! She always has a comeback is always witty! (: She is always up for a laugh. She's really hot and has pretty blue/green eyes. She has flaws but, doesn't everybody? She falls inlove easily and don't let go of friendships. She's normally misunderstood and tends to stress alot. She loves her best friends and whenever you see her you'll just know she's a Molly! She loves converse and wears skinny jeans. She's quite the mosher and has scene features :3.
Hey look she's wearing converse! That's defo a Molly Johnston!
by Mawlz. June 8, 2011
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Johnston's Jaw is an ailment that is commonly found in alcoholic young women.
It is caused when the drunk women participate in fellatio.
With the extended time the jaw is wide open and the grinding caused, it wears down the jaw bone and cause's pain for month's and even years
That slut student nurse got her jaw fucked up by that rugby team at uni.
She went to the doctor and he diagnosed her with Johnston's Jaw
by IBM Sophie February 27, 2008
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A mere concept that no one understands but people have only figured out its a person who has many online personalities. His friends get annoyed at him for it, because it changes every couple of weeks.
Trent-What is the new Frederick Johnstone personality?
Sienna-I think this week it is Ku'kul'kan.
by Edgy mcedgy November 13, 2022
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