Someone takes a dump on a plate, they then squeeze it into strings with a play dough set. Then you put it on someones head so it looks like it's there head. That is what Boston braids
The barber said,"I can give cancer patients free Boston braids."
by Corydon_Jargin May 31, 2011
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the same as corn-rows but far more descriptive cos they look lame on everyone. Also can be used to describe some who has afore mentioned hair do.
'oi gay braids, get to the nearest hairdresser now!'
by Bruce block A November 18, 2005
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A way of telling someone to leave, get lost, get out of your sight, they're not welcome, shouldn't be here, don't belong, take a hike, and so on...
Guy: Fuckin' Type O is kicking ass, tonight!
Spaz: Yeah, they totally rock, man. Hey, weren't they going to do like that new ballad, or something?
Guy: Ballad? wtf? Twist a braid, dude.
by Tigron July 7, 2008
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Code word that means (head, Blow job) that hoes (whores) use when they are trying to fool the person they are talking to.
Gurl I braided his hair last night. Thought I'd need my stomach pumped.

Hey babe, I'm going to Kim's house, her hubby wants his hair braided

damn it's been a minute since my head been braided real good
by Raybudd August 11, 2010
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when a girl braids a mans butthole hairs with her tounge
during the middle of Chandler, Isaiah, and Andy's three way Chandler broke into a weird mode and decided to give Andy a braided grizzlie, and then Isaiah got some action + a dead ochocinco
by dirtypinetree May 14, 2011
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Popularized by the song, "A.I. with the Braids," by The Game, it is a flex meant to say that one is as smart as A.I. but with braids, thus also being fly as hell.
You dumb as fuck boy, I'm A.I. with the Braids, bitch!
by TippyScissors04 August 26, 2023
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The braiding of the posterior hair.
Damn dude, ur butt braid be lit af.
by Hiro's Woman January 18, 2017
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